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 Michael Junior Williams Passport

+Michael Junior Williams+

+ Call # 203-583-2111 +

+ Text # 213-214-9136 +

+Great Internet Links

Poems +Written 100% By+ Michael Junior Williams

My Beautiful Angel 
I met this girl in my dream a few nights ago
I told her I loved her and will never let her go
She was so Gorgeous, 
Her mirrored reflection envied her
As we walked on the beach that evening, 
the stars gazed at her
Some stars couldn't help but  fall  for her
I made a few wishes that night and all were the same
I wished that one day this Beautiful Angel
 would have my last name 
Lust For Love 
I lust for your love day and night 
Girl let me taste your love, 
promise I won't bite 
I lust for your love night and day 
Girl why won't this feeling go away 
Release your love to me 
I will catch it with my heart
And one day we will get married
So we'll never be apart
Love Her 
Love her today like there is no tomorrow 
Love her tomorrow and don't bring her sorrow  
Love her in the morning and noon  
Love her until you see the moon  
Love her during the night  
Love her and everything will be alright 
You're a Queen, the most powerful piece 
in the game of life 
You're a Queen, any king would make you his wife  
Know your value, 
don't let a pawn come and take your place
Remember you're a Queen, you already won the race
Define Yourself 
Define yourself when you have nothing to do 
Define yourself before someone tries to define you 
Define yourself because everything has a definition 
Define yourself; the world deserves your definition 
Help The Homeless 
Help the homeless 
It's the right thing to do 
And may God continue to bless you 

+I+Kiss+My+Girls+Real+Good +BY+ +GirlMeetGuy+

+ +GirlMeetGuy+ To All The Girls That Love+ME Yes I Kiss My Girls Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The Asian Girls That Love+ME Yes +GirlMeetGuy+ Will Kiss You Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The Latina Girls That Love+ME Yes +GirlMeetGuy+ Will Kiss You Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The White Girls That Love+ME Yes +GirlMeetGuy+ Will Kiss You Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The Indian Girls That Love+ME Yes +GirlMeetGuy+ Will Kiss You Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The Black Girls That Love+ME Yes I Kiss My Girls Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+To All The Free Women That Love +GirlMeetGuy+ Yes I Will Kiss You Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+ +
+ +GirlMeetGuy+ +Ask My +College+Friends+ They Will Tell You +Yes+ +GirlMeetGuy+ Kiss His +Women+ Real+Good +GirlMeetGuy+

Dear +God Please Protect Us From The Enemy + Amen
Dear +Lord And +Savior +Jesus +Christ Please Protect Us + So Our Mirror Reflection or Our Mirrored Reflection or Any Form of Reflection or
Reflections Won't Envy Anyone or Anything At Anytime + Amen
Thank You +Lord And +Savior +Jesus +Christ
For Dying For Our Sins.
And Thank You For Rising From The Dead + Amen
Also +Lord And +Savior +Jesus +Christ
Thank You For Being +Alive

picture of GoOnlineDj+Pen

+God +Gave+ +Us+ +All+ +Free+ +Will+
+ Total +Freedom+ +For+ +Everyone+ +
+In+ +America+ +Everyone+ Is %100 +Free+
+To+ +Make+ +Their+ +Own+ +Choices+
+ +In+ +America+ +Everyone+ Is %100 +Percent+
+Free+ +To+ +Walk+ +or+ +Run+
+Their+ +Own+ +Path+ +In+ +Life+ +
+No+ +One+ +Should+ +Be+ Blocking
+Another+Persons+ +Path+
+In+ +America+ +Or+ +Elsewhere+
+ +No+ +One+ Should +Be+ Stealing
+Another+Persons+ +Path+ +
+In+ +America+ +Your+ %100 +Percent+ +Free+
+To+ +Marry+ + +Date+ +
+Spend+ +Time+Money+ +With+
+Whoever+ +You+ +Wish+ +
+America+ +Does+ Not
+Negotiate+ +With+ Terrorist
+ Dear +God +Please+ +Protect+
+Everyone+ + +Everything+ + +Everywhere+
+From+ Terrorism +Of+ +Any+ +Kind+
+ Dear +God +In+ +Heaven+ +Please+ Continue
+To+ +Reward+ + + Judge +Us+ +Your+
+Children+ +As+ +You+ +See+ +Fit+ +
Thank+You+ +God +For+ +Being+ +So+ +Powerful+ +
Thank +You+ +God +For+ +Being+
+Forgiving+ + +Merciful++

+Written+ +By+
+ Michael+Junior +Williams +

picture of GoOnlineDj+Pen

My List Of Hobbies

  1. Playing Basketball
  2. Swimming
  3. Bowling
  4. Watching TV
  5. Traveling
  6. Watching Music Videos
  7. Meeting New People

My Fine Link

My fav Website is GoOnlineDj

Here is a Picture of CopilotTwin

picture of CopilotTwin

What goes around comes 360

+ Michael Junior Williams

tnempoleveD beW evoL I
